Since its introduction in 2001, Feather River Door Company has set the benchmark as the door industry leader in innovation and technology with our award winning Fiberglass Door Entry System. Since 2003, Feather River has offered fiberglass doors and sold almost ten million doors to satisfied customers throughout the U.S. Since then, we have expanded our offering to include fiberglass patio doors.
Our Philosophy
Our first commitment is to you, the homeowner. We are dedicated to offering the finest door products that will add the greatest value to your home.
Through our extensive research and development, we continue to design, innovate and develop premium quality doors. Whether you are building your dream home, remodeling or repairing your home, our state-of-the-art technology results in superior quality doors that perform for years to come.
Feather River prides itself in providing its customers with unparalleled customer service and the best warranty coverage in the industry today. As we have grown, we have continued our small company philosophy of personal service, at the same time developing the most modern manufacturing processes to create a product line which stands above the rest. Through the years, we have kept our commitment to excellence by adhering to the highest business standards.

Feather River Doors is headquartered in the Pacific Northwest.
Being Green
Feather River Door Company has always been committed to providing the ‘greenest’ program and products. We have always been committed to environmentally responsible products and practices.
95% of our decorative fiberglass doors have molding lite-openings instead of cut outs. Traditionally, most manufacturers use cut-outs to install doorlites, instantly compromising the moisture barrier, stability and structural integrity. Cut-outs can be as much as two-thirds of the original slab, and they usually end up in landfills as pure waste. The costs savings in materials and waste-management mean Feather River doors molded openings provide a competitive edge in both cost and quality. We use 100% CFC-free foam core in our fiberglass doors. It is ozone friendly and provides better insulating than either wood or steel doors, reducing energy costs and carbon emissions.
Many Feather River doors are Energy Star certified, which means they exceed the minimum energy efficiency criteria for the climate region you live in.
Feather River Door Company’s employees are rewarded for their recycling efforts, ensuring maximum participation. Wood, paper, metal, plastics, packaging, etc., – the majority of our waste-stream is re-deployed into other valuable recycling and re-manufacturing uses, not into landfill. This philosophy applies in our offices as well as on the manufacturing floor.
Our commitment to community service has its roots in our family-owned philosophy of neighbor helping neighbor.
Charitable Foundations
We have sponsored events on behalf of World Vision and Mary Bridge Children’s Foundation, and supported the local Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
Western Bluebird Project
We participated in a species-restoration project at our Headquarters in Washington. Started by wildlife biologists on nearby Fort Lewis, the Western Bluebird project installs bluebird nest boxes in this important habitat area. Down to just one breeding pair in all of Western Washington during the 80s, a core population of several hundred Western Bluebirds can now be found again in this portion of their native range as a result of these cooperative local efforts.